Thursday, April 27, 2017

Writing the Draft

Writing the draft was about ten times easier than writing the definitions paper. But the reason it was easy was because I wrote the definitions paper first. I mean it was required to be written in that order, but I do remember thinking during the definitions paper, "How on earth am I going to apply this to the movie in a way that makes a bit of sense?"

To answer my naive question, pretty easily.

Once more I had to plop myself on the la-z-boy rocker and watch Iron Man 2 clips and repeat a number of scenes until I had them burned into the back of my mind. I'm pretty sure I can quote the entirety of the scene with Rhodes and Tony in Tony's workshop by now.

One problem I had while writing the draft (and panicking briefly as a result) was that I realized one of the scenes I thought was good was not enough to work with. I might have mentioned the plane scene with Tony and Pepper being one of my scenes, but yeah, that didn't work out. I did however mention it as a third, brief example in my paper.

I found the perfect scene with Tony and Vanko in the prison, so after that things went pretty smooth.

Until later,

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